

Top Three HR Technology Trends To Help You Retain Employees In 2023

Yooma HR shares the technology trends that could help human resource (HR) managers and CEOs retain employees PwC reports that 58% of companies use HR technology to find and retain employees. In fact, Market Research Future predicts that the HR software market will be valued at around $35.13 billion by the end of 2030. HR […]

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Breaking news: Local South African HR Software Launches Zulu and Afrikaans

According to BusinessTech (2019), isiZulu, is the most widely spoken language outside the household sitting at 25.1% of South Africa’s population; English closely follows this at 16.6 and Afrikaans at 9.7%. In response to the growing need for multilingual service platforms, Yooma HR recently launched the addition of Zulu and Afrikaans translations for their human […]

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How Digital Twins Technology Could Revoluntionise and Benefit Human Resources Today

How Digital Twins Technology Could Revolutionise and Benefit Human Resources Today Yooma HR comments on the emergence of digital twins and how this technology could positively impact human resources. A report from Accenture expects the world’s digital twin market to grow to $184.5 billion by 2030. There’s a good reason for this.  As the work […]

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How Could Artificial Intelligence Transform Human Resources?

Yooma HR examines the reality of artificial intelligence’s impact on human resources Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming for your job. Or is it?  According to Eightfold.ai’s 2021 survey of human resource (HR) managers in the United States, almost 82% of human resources (HR) teams will adopt AI tools into their talent management processes between 2021 […]

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“I’ll report you to HR!” And then what?

I frequently hear employees say “I’ll report you to HR!”, or recommend to a colleague “you should take him/her to HR!” When someone says this it is usually out of frustration, because they think they have run out of options. It also means they see HR as a sanctuary where they will have a sympathetic […]

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How the Metaverse Will Impact the Working Environment

In a world where metaverses are the new norm, remote working will be nothing out of the ordinary. Imagine being able to attend meetings and give presentations from the comfort of your own home or anywhere else in the world. You could hop into different metaverses and explore other locations without ever having to leave […]

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We really ought to bring an HR person on board!

Kobus Krüger – June 2022 Many young organisations experience some difficulty in establishing the HR function. For many, the HR function is usually set up under pressure – there’s after all more fun to be had in running the business than in finding someone who will “take care of the people problems”. The team frequently […]

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Dismissal – The importance of rules in the workplace – Part 3

Re-cap In Part 1 and Part 2, the importance and benefit of devising your own workplace rules and policies is emphasised, also introducing you to the codes of good practice annexed to the Labour relations Act (LRA), focusing on Schedule 8 – Code of Good Practice: Dismissal as the default fairness requirement for dismissals in […]

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Dismissal – The importance of rules in the workplace – Part 2

Re-cap In Part 1 the importance of and rationale behind devising company-specific workplace rules and policies were accentuated. This led to the obvious question of what kind of governance (if any) would apply in case of a labour dispute situation where there are no company-specific workplace rules in place? In answering this question, Part 1 […]

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Dismissal – The importance of rules in the workplace – Part 1

To rule or not to rule Is it not true that where a group of persons congregate in a certain defined space, striving towards a common goal, this common goal has the best prospect of being achieved if these people operate within a set of common rules? Furthermore, the prospect of achieving the common goal […]

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