
Staff Payment Management

Staff payment management is a process ideally automated by software that streamlines your organisation’s monetary transactions. It tracks outbound and inbound transactions, allows managers to approve payment requests from staff and third parties, and requires authorisation so no payment goes unapproved. 

If an employee purchases a laptop for business purposes, they will request compensation from their employer. If a supplier or manufacturer requires compensation for services rendered, they will need to request payment from the business. All of these requests need managing.

The Importance of Staff Payment Management

Staff payment management is critical for the financial health of your business. It gives senior-level business managers comprehensive control of all outgoing payments and eliminates tedious employee payment request processes. It offers employees or third parties peace of mind when they request payment, knowing their request won’t get lost in an email thread or that a payment won’t get unnecessary scrutiny.    

The benefits of staff payment management include the following: 

  • An organised and structured approach to making payments.
  • Advanced approval structure.
  • Access control.
  • Boosts payment efficiency.
  • Visibility into all financial transactions.
  • Advanced reporting with cost controls and claims tracking.
  • Digitised records of all transactions.
  • Streamlines communication.


Companies and employees can enjoy these benefits with the right human resources software

Yooma HR's Staff Payment Management Feature

Yooma HR’s staff payment management feature takes the problems out of making payments. We give you easy administration of all expense claims or requisitions relating to employee out of pocket expenses. This is achieved through well-defined approval controls and seamless communications. 

If you need to manage your company and employees’ budgets, Yooma HR provides dynamic and configurable reporting to make it a smooth, stress-free process. And the best part is that this module allows companies to claim, approve and process third-party payments within just a few clicks.

Benefits of Yooma HR's Staff Payment Management Feature

More people, more payments, more problems. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Are you struggling to keep track of supplier costs and payments? Are you tired of pesky payment request emails from your employees? 

Yooma HR helps you balance the books quickly. We give you an easy-to-use HR platform where you can make and manage employee and vendor payments whenever necessary. You also have the option to integrate with your preferred accounting system. 

Nor is security a concern. You and your team can enjoy strict access control to the system and the existing features and information types, and two Factor Authentication is also available.

Additional benefits of Yooma HR’s staff payment management feature include: 

  • Real-time communication.
  • Secure.
  • A single Cloud-based platform.
  • Track and manage expenses seamlessly.
  • Quick and convenient.
  • Affordable.
  • Complete control. No payment gets made without the required authorisation.
  • Easy integration with your favourite payroll solutions.

Yooma HR keeps things simple. Our user-friendly platform helps employers and employees to request and approve payments timeously. Could you use Yooma HR to boost your payment request management and rid yourself and your team of unnecessary stress and confusion?

Start your FREE TRIAL today.

The Core Hub


Allow an employee to submit leave
requests and for managers to approve,
control and monitor. Our leave
management feature also enables the
setup of unique departmental, company,
location and country-specific leave types
and associated rules to be applied.


Uploading and downloading of documents
assigned to an employee per security
profile created. Customised groupings and
categories such as qualifications, contract
agreements, etc., with set security levels,
enable our clients to protect and access all
relevant documentation.


With reporting made accessible, we offer unlimited easy to use reports available. Our reporting feature is customisable, userfriendly and easy to export with a touch of a button, giving your company more time to focus on other business areas.

Staff Management

Store, maintain and manage various
required important information of each
employee, such as personal credentials,
employment history, contact details,
reporting lines, organisation structures.
Change logs on request, ensure the
credibility of information captured and


Recognise your employees’ needs and
commit to implementing them. By
leveraging team engagement practices
with Yooma HR, companies can
significantly improve operations and build
an empowered and productive workforce.

Staff Payment Management

Save time by easy administration of all
types of expense claims or requisitions
relating to or arising out of employee
pocket expenses with well-defined
approval controls and real-time

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